Dec 14 Dec/14 03:00 Verahue village West Guadalcanal Solomon Islands 40 participants benefit from Crime Prevention Workshop in Guadalcanal Community leaders of Savulei ward in Guadalcanal Province have benefited from a Crime Prevention Workshop
Dec 14 Dec/14 07:00 Honiara Solomon Islands RSIPF arrest and charge Minister Police arrested the current Minister for Forestry and Research and Member of Parliament (MP) for Gao/Bugotu Constituency
Dec 13 Dec/13 08:00 Lawson Tama Football Stadium Honiara Solomon Islands RSIPF call for cooperation of public at Carols in the Islands RSIPF call for cooperation during the Carols in the Islands event
Dec 12 Dec/12 07:00 Rove police headquarters Honiara Solomon Islands RSIPF discuss national security challenges with visiting US Assistant Secretary of Defense Matthew Varley and members of his Executive team discuss national security challenges with visiting US Assistant Secretary of Defense
Dec 12 Dec/12 07:00 Honiara Solomon Islands RSIPF call for more discussions on issues affecting youth as another suicide incident is reported RSIPF call for more discussions on issues affecting youths
Dec 07 Dec/07 07:00 Rove Police Headquarters Honiara Solomon Islands 27 CPP officers graduate from CPP basic Training in Honiara 27 CPP officer graduate on basic CPP training
Dec 11 Dec/11 06:00 Alligetor Creek East Honiara Solomon Islands Police investigate alleged rape of 8-yr-old girl at Alligator Creek East of Honiara Police investigate alleged rape incident
Dec 05 Dec/05 08:00 Makira Province Solomon Islands Makira Ulawa Crime Prevention Council benefit from workshop CPC in Makira benefited from a day workshop on Crime Prevention Workshop
Dec 10 Dec/10 07:00 Rove Police Headquarters Honiara Solomon Islands RSIPF receive new motor cycles from ROC RSIPF received sixteen motor cycle from ROC
Dec 10 Dec/10 07:00 Noro Western Province Solomon Islands RSIPF thank Western Province residents for peaceful 35th Anniversary Second Appointed Day celebrations PPC Western Province thank public for peaceful second appointed day celebration