Aug 06 Aug/06 03:00 Honiara Police arrest and charge an adult male person for sexual assault incident in Honiara Police arrest and charge an adult male person for sexual assault incident in Honiara
Aug 06 Aug/06 02:00 Honiara Makira police officers raise flag as part of their 39th second appointed day anniversary celebration in Honiara Makira police officers raise flag as part of their 39th second appointed day anniversary celebration in Honiara
Aug 04 Aug/04 07:00 Honiara RSIPF officers better equipped to combat transnational crime RSIPF officers better equipped to combat transnational crime
Aug 04 Aug/04 04:00 Honiara Front page article with the title ‘arrest looms’ is misleading Front page article with the title ‘arrest looms’ is misleading
Aug 02 Aug/02 04:00 Honiara CPLT Chief Instructor says it is better to teach a man to fish than to give him a fish CPLT Chief Instructor says it is better to teach a man to fish than to give him a fish
Jul 29 Jul/29 07:00 Malaita Province Auki Police held its first interfaith program after SoPE lifted recently Auki Police held its first interfaith program after SoPE lifted recently
Jul 28 Jul/28 08:00 Honiara RSIPF continue joint exercising with RPNGC RSIPF continue joint exercising with RPNGC
Jul 28 Jul/28 08:00 Honiara RSIPF CPP officers completed third batch of training conducted by the PRC police RSIPF CPP officers completed third batch of training conducted by the PRC police