PPCs to finalise preparations for NGE

Feb/19 00:00
Honiara Solomon Islands

PPCs to finalise preparations for NGE

AC Manelugu briefs the PPCs on the focus of the Conference

Provincial Police Commanders (PPC) from throughout the country are in Honiara to finalise preparations for the National General Election (NGE) to be held on 3 April 2019.

Assistant Commissioner (AC) for Provincial Police, Joseph Manelugu says, “Six Provincial Police Commanders have already arrived inn Honiara with two more still on their way for the PPCs and Directors Conference.”

He explains: “The PPCs and Directors conference is usually held once year to discuss the RSIPF’s annual business plan but this year the meeting will also finalise preparations for the National Elections including the operational plan for each of the provinces which will make up the National Operations Plan for the election on 3 April.”

“The official program for the Conference will start today, 19 February 2019, with the official opening by RSIPF Commissioner, Matthew Varley,” says AC Manelugu who is chairing the Conference.

He adds: “We expect that at the end of the Conference we will have all the provincial NGE operational plans which will form part of the overall RSIPF operation plan to ensure a safe and free election.”

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