PPCs ready for the National General Election

Feb/22 09:00
Honiara Solomon Islands

PPCs ready for the National General Election

Some of RSIPF Executives ,PPCs and Director during the last day of the Conference

All Provincial Police Commanders (PPCs) of the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) are ready with their operation orders for the National General Election scheduled for 3 April 2019.

Deputy Commissioner (DC) for Operations, Gabriel Manelusi says, “I am pleased with the amount of preparation so far by Provincial Police Commanders and departmental directors the coming National General Election as revealed in your presentations today (22 February 2019).”

DC Manelusi says, “Members of our communities are no doubt there to assist us to ensure there is a peaceful NGE, but we must show first to them we are prepared and dedicated to our oath of office to maintain law and order, have respect for each other, and seek help then from them.”

Addressing the RSIPF Executive, PPCs and Directors during the last day of the week-long, PPCs and Directors Conference, PPC Makira-Ulawa Province Superintendent Peter Sitai says, “Police in Makira-Ulawa Province is well prepared for the coming election, with work starting last year including community engagement throughout communities in the Province.”

PPC Choiseul Province, Superintendent Vincent Eria says, “I am pleased with the assistance that additional manpower from Honiara will be deployed to assist my current manpower for the lead up events for this coming NGE which will boost the security not only for the NGE, but for the border as well.”

“Police in Western Province is well prepared for the coming NGE, and I am looking forward to work together with electoral staff to ensure the election is peaceful in Western Province,” says PPC Western Province Chief Superintendent Mathias Lenialu.

PPC Hugo Maelasi says, “Police in Central Province is well prepared for this coming NGE, and I am proud to declare to you fellow colleagues, that my Crime Prevention Committees in Central Province very much support the work of the police, for a safe and peaceful NGE.”

The PPCs assured the RSIPF Executive that they are ready to provide security for the National General Election on 3 April. At the same time departmental directors assured the PPCs that they will support them with their manpower needs and their officers will be standby to respond to any disturbances in the provinces.

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RSIPF Media Unit
Rove Police Headquarters
Rove, Honiara
Solomon Islands

Phone: 24016 or 23800 Ext 239
Email: rsipf.media@rsipf.gov.sb