AC Simpson Pogeava during the awareness program at the Holy Cross Parish

Parishioners urged to cooperate with police for a free, fair and peaceful election

Feb/24 05:00
Honiara Solomon Islands

Parishioners urged to cooperate with police for a free, fair and peaceful election

AC Simpson Pogeava during the awareness program at the Holy Cross Parish

Parishioners of the Holy Cross Parish in Honiara have been told to work together with the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) for a free, fair and peaceful National General Election (NGE) during an awareness talk conducted at the Holy Cross Cathedral on 24 February 2019.

More than two hundred parishioners of the Holy Cross Parish attended the awareness talk by a team from the RSIPF Crime Prevention Department.

Assistant Commissioner (AC) National Capital and Crime Prevention Simpson Pogeava says, “The RSIPF want to work together for a free, fair and peaceful National General Election (NGE). This will allow us to excise our democratic right to vote leaders to represent us inside the National Parliament for the next four years.”

AC Pogeava explains: “RSIPF is a neutral organisation and will not support or seen to support any political party or individual candidate contesting the NGE.

The RSIPF is the lead law enforcement agency in providing a safe and secure environment to enable a free, fair and peaceful NGE in 2019.”

“Members of the public are urged to report any incidences where individual police officers deemed to be supporting any particular political party or individual candidate. Communities and people are responsible for making sure the 2019 NGE is conducted in a safe and peaceful manner. The public are reminded to report anti-social behaviour and criminal activities to Police and help police to ensure the safety of the Solomon Islands community.”

He says, “As a registered voter you have the right to make your own choice on who you should vote for to represent you in Parliament. And not accept any candidate or any agent of a candidate who attempt to influence who you should vote for by promising them goods or any other rewards. It is an offence under the new Electoral Act."

RSIPF is engaged in a nation-wide awareness program leading up to the NGE on 3 April.

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Media contact information

RSIPF Media Unit
Rove Police Headquarters
Rove, Honiara
Solomon Islands

Phone: 24016 or 23800 Ext 239