Six dwelling houses burnt down in Malaita Province

Feb/23 03:00
Malaita Solomon Islands

Six dwelling houses burnt down in Malaita Province

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Six dwelling houses have been burnt down at Kukwisi Village in West Kwara’ae, Malaita Province on 23 February 2019 after an argument between two groups of people.

Provincial Police Commander (PPC) Malaita Province Superintendent Timothy Apaesi says, “The incident happened when the group whose houses were burnt down swore at the other group of people. The group who allegedly burnt the houses then asked for compensation from the group of people who swore at them but instead they were chased away with rocks. The suspected group of people then regrouped and went back to Kukwisi Village and burnt down six dwelling houses and six kitchens.”

PPC Apaesi says, “The matter was reported to police and officers are currently at Kukwisi to deal with the incident.”

“I am calling on all community leaders, including chiefs, youth, women and church leaders to work closely with the police to minimize any escalation in the situation between the two groups of people. There are ways to solve such problems rather than resorting to violence which only make the situation worse,” says Superintendent Apaesi.

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Solomon Islands

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