RSIPF urge SSEC congregation to work towards a safe and peaceful NGE

Feb/24 02:00
Honiara Solomon Islands

RSIPF urge SSEC congregation to work towards a safe and peaceful NGE

AC Uiga and SSgt Foanaota with women of the congregation.

The Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) urges members of the South Seas Evangelical Church (SSEC) congregation in Honiara to work together with the police to ensure a safe and peaceful National General Election.

As part of the preparations for the NGE on 3 April 2019, a team from the RSIPF Crime Prevention Department led by the Supervising Assistant Commissioner (AC) Operations, Chief Superintendent Alfred Uiga held an awareness talk at the SSEC Central Church in Honiara on 24 February 2019.

AC Uiga says, “We are here to speak to you about the responsibilities of the RSIPF during the NGE. The Police is working towards a safe and peaceful NGE. And we would like all of us to work towards that goal. We are assisting the Solomon Islands Electoral Commission (SIEC) to educate our people about the offences and penalties under the Electoral Act and the powers of the police to carry out the Act.”

He adds: “Police officers will be out in the community to provide security. We will assist Electoral Officers to carry out their duties and any breaches of law will be dealt with by officers.”

“This is not the work of Police alone but together with other stake holders including our people we can make the NGE a peaceful one,”

AC Uiga emphasises.

He explains: “There are certain things that we commit and we say that it is small by nature but by law it is serious. The electoral offences carry hefty penalties. They range from $10,000.00 to $150,000.00 fine or imprisonment terms from two to 15 years.”

“Stay away from illegal gatherings that will disturb the Election. And assist Police by providing information that will help ensure a safe, fair and peaceful election,” says AC Uiga.

The RSIPF nation-wide NGE awareness program is being rolled out at communities, markets in and around Honiara as well as schools and churches. The NGE awareness is also being rolled out in the provinces during the coming weeks.

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RSIPF Media Unit
Rove Police Headquarters
Rove, Honiara
Solomon Islands

Phone: 24016 or 23800 Ext 239