Church congregation urged to follow what police say about NGE

Mar/03 03:00
Honiara Solomon Islands

Church congregation urged to follow what police say about NGE

AC Ian Vaevaso talk to the church members of RCCG

The congregation at the Redeem Christian Church of God (RCCG) has been urged to adhere to what they heard during an awareness talk conducted on the National General Election(NGE) by the officers of the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) today (3 March 2019) after a fellowship program at the Saint John School Community High School in Honiara.

Assistant Commissioner (AC) Crime and Intelligence Ian Vaevaso says, “RSIPF is the lead law enforcement agency in providing a safe and secure environment to enable a free and fair NGE in 2019.”

AC Vaevaso says, “Although RSIPF is the lead law enforcement agency, one of the challenges we have is the security during the NGE. We need your cooperation. Over the past months we have been working behind the scene to plan how we are going to response to any incidence during the NGE.

He adds: “As part of the readiness of the RSIPF towards the NGE you will see police officers go out to the churches, communities and do community engagement in Honiara. The community awareness program is also being rolled out through other provinces.”

During the awareness talk AC Vaevaso highlighted the responsibilities of the RSIPF and registered voters and the public. He also spoke about election offences and penalties under the Electoral Act.

“I encourage you if you have any doubt, need clarifications or feel like assisting police with any information related to the NGE please feel free to call at your nearest police station,” says AC Vaevaso.

Pastor Brian Pitakia of the Redeem Christian Church of God (RCCG) says “We pray that this coming NGE will be a peaceful one and that God will continue to give us peace."

Pastor Pitakia says, “I urged you my church members to abide to what you heard today and prayer for this coming NGE. I would like to acknowledge the presence of our officers of the RSIPF to take part with us in our fellowship program. And thank you for the messages you delivered to us about your preparations for the NGE."

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RSIPF Media Unit
Rove Police Headquarters
Rove, Honiara
Solomon Islands

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