RSIPF arrests five suspects for election related matters in West Guale

Apr/10 08:00
Malaita Solomon Islands

RSIPF arrests five suspects for election related matters in West Guale

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Officers of the Royal Solomon Island Police Force (RSIPF) in Guadalcanal Province have arrested five suspects for election related matters in the Fox Bay area in West Guadalcanal on 8 April 2019.

Provincial Police Commander (PPC) Guadalcanal Province, Chief Superintendent, Evelyn Thugea says, “On Saturday 6 April 2019 between 5 – 6 pm after the announcement of the winning candidate for West Guadalcanal, a group of ten people including young boys and few elders from Fox Bay teamed up and went to the nearby village of Sunavutu to ask compensation from the two couples who they believed swore at them prior to the commencement of the ballot paper counting on Friday 5 April 2019.”

PPC Thugea says, “The swearing words also consisted of a challenge as to who will win the election as the couples were supporters of the winning candidate while the suspects were supporters of another candidate.”

“The group of ten men came up to Sunavutu Village and confronted three young men. They exchanged swearing words, rock throwing and damaged two solar panels and as result two other boys were shot and injured,” PPC Thugea explains

She adds: “There were others among the group who tried to control the rest of the group and later they all dispersed and went back to Fox Bay.”

“The matter was reported to Henderson Police Station and on 8 April 2019 a team was sent to attend the report. With the assistance of the community leaders all the offenders were taken to Henderson Police Station and were interviewed. They were charged with intimidation contrary to Section 231 of the Penal code, malicious damage contrary to Section 326 of the Penal Code and common assault contrary to Section 244 of the Penal Code,” says PPC Thugea.

The accused were dealt with accordingly and were released on bail to appear in Honiara Central Magistrates Court on 29 April 2019.

PPC Thugea says, “Now that the voting and the declaration of winning candidates has been declared in a peaceful democratic process, I appeal to the good people of Guadalcanal to work together with our elected leaders for the betterment of our Province.”

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RSIPF Media Unit
Rove Police Headquarters
Rove, Honiara
Solomon Islands

Phone: 24016 or 23800 Ext 239