RSIPF Post NGE awareness continues in Honiara

Apr/17 01:00
Honiara Solomon Islands

RSIPF Post NGE awareness continues in Honiara

Members of the Public gathers to recieve pamphlets from a RSIPF Officer

Members of the public appreciate the awareness that Police officers in the National Crime Prevention Department are conducting at markets and other public gathering areas in Honiara as the country prepares for the election of the Prime Minister on 24 April 2019.

A team from the National Crime Prevention Department were out again today (16 April) visiting various locations in Honiara speaking with members of the public about the need to continue with the peaceful and safe environment like during the National General Election (NGE) period.

Speaking to Police officers in the Oba area, Ranadi, East Honiara, a member of the public says, “It is good to see you police officers reaching out to members of the communities through this awareness program.”

“Some of us are not aware of how to channel our reports should we have any complaints regarding the NGE. After the awareness meeting we now have a better idea of the process.”

Staff Sergeant Vivian Foanaota of the National Crime Prevention Department thanks the members of the communities for the good behaviour during the polling day, counting of ballots and declaration of results and urges people to keep up the good spirit as the country prepares for the election of the Prime Minister and formation of a new government.

The RSIPF Post NGE Awareness team today visited the Oba area in Ranadi, the Kukum SDA bus stop, Kobito Market, Borderline Market, Talise Market, Multipurpose Hall area, the Yacht club area, and White Angel Shop.

The team shared pamphlets containing information regarding how to report any election related offences and how to keep working together as the newly elected Members of Parliament prepare to elect a new Prime Minister and form a new government on 24 April 2019.

The Post NGE Awareness Program will continue up until the election of the new Prime Minister and the formation of a new government.

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Media contact information

RSIPF Media Unit
Rove Police Headquarters
Rove, Honiara
Solomon Islands

Phone: 24016 or 23800 Ext 239