Church members urged to cooperate with Police

Apr/21 09:00
Honiara Solomon Islands

Church members urged to cooperate with Police

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The Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) has thanked members of churches in Honiara and throughout the country for their prayers for a safe and peaceful National General Election (NGE) and urge people to continue praying for the safe election of a new Prime Minister and the formation of a Government.

Assistant Commissioner of Police, Crime Prevention and National Capital, Simpson Pogeava conveyed the message to the congregation at the Wesley United Church in Honiara today (21 April) during an awareness talk as part of the RSIPF’s operation for the election of the new Prime Minister on 24 April 2019.

Speaking to the congregation after the service, ACP Pogeava says, “Thank you for allowing us time to talk to you on how we can continue to work together as we approach the election of the new Prime Minister and formation of a new Government.”

“We have been here talking to you prior to the NGE to ensure that the election was peaceful and I am happy to tell you that your prayers were answered as all went peacefully despite reports of isolated incidents in some parts of the country,” says ACP Pogeava.

He adds: “Now that we are going towards the election of the new Prime Minister it is important that we come and share with you some security issues. Police will not tolerate any unlawful behaviour and those taking the law into their own hands. Your Police will be out there to ensure that peace and security of this nation is maintained.”

ACP Pogeava emphasizes: “Stay away from unlawful gatherings, or those who are intending to incite violence. We are also monitoring the social media. Your security and safety is our priority and we have been working very tirelessly over the past weeks to ensure this happens.”

“I urge you to accept and respect whatever the outcome of the election of the Prime Minister. I appeal to you to cooperate and work closely with your police. Let us continue to pray for a safe and peaceful election of a new Prime Minister,” says ACP Pogeava.

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RSIPF Media Unit
Rove Police Headquarters
Rove, Honiara
Solomon Islands

Phone: 24016 or 23800 Ext 239