RSIPF commends law abiding citizens of Honiara

Apr/25 08:00
Honiara Solomon Islands

RSIPF commends law abiding citizens of Honiara

Officers of the RSIPF Provincial Response Unit at the Fijian Quarter area in Central Honiara

The Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) commends the majority of people in Honiara who are law abiding citizens including the youth for staying away from the disturbances after the election of the Prime Minister yesterday(24 April).

“I would like to thank the majority of citizens in and around Honiara for observing the rule of law by staying away from the disturbances caused by a very small number of people who illegally staged marches throughout the capital city yesterday,” says Deputy Commissioner (DC), Operation, Gabriel Manelusi.

He adds: “RSIPF applauds you for your decision to allow the process of election of a Prime Minister to go ahead and for the National Parliament and our Courts to deal with whatever issues that arose in connection with that process. We commend the majority of our youth from many parts of the city for staying away from the disturbances yesterday. We salute you for you that.”

“I want to reassure the citizens of Honiara and the rest of Solomon Islands that the situation in our capital city is back to normal after the disturbances by a small group of people following the election of the Prime Minister yesterday. We urge people to start returning to normal and businesses to resume their activities,” DC Manelusi emphasises.

About 50 people have been arrested so far for stone throwing during the situation yesterday. Their cases are being processed and will soon be heard in Court. Eight RSIPF officers and four Correctional Services officers received minor injuries and have received medical attention
“Police continues to deal with some minor incidences around Honiara City since last night but the RSIPF can assure the public that the overall situation in the city has returned to normal and businesses are encouraged to open their doors,” says DC Manelusi

“I call on all chiefs, community, church, women and youth leaders in Honiara including the settlements in and around Honiara to continue to talk to our people to observe law and order and not to join the criminal elements who have instigated the disturbances.”

DC Manelusi says, “Let us not think that violence will bring anything good for our families, our communities and our country. It will only destroy our families, our communities and our country. Let us instead embrace peace within our hearts, our families, our communities and in our country.

RSIPF will continue to conduct high visibility patrols throughout Honiara City to reassure people of their safety and security.

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RSIPF Media Unit
Rove Police Headquarters
Rove, Honiara
Solomon Islands

Phone: 24016 or 23800 Ext 239