RSIPF investigates two deaths in Honiara over the weekend

May/07 02:00
Honiara Solomon Islands

Death incidents investigated

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Officers of the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) are investigating the death of two people in separate incidents in Honiara over the weekend.

RSIPF Assistant Commissioner (AC) Crime and Intelligence, Ian Vaevaso says, “Our Police Operation Centre received two reports on the deaths during the weekend.”

AC Vaevaso explains: “One death was in the Point Cruz area during which a 60-year-old man allegedly bumped onto rocky grounds and died on the scene. Relatives of the deceased are so far satisfied with the cause of death.”

“The other death report was in the New Chinatown area which alleged the deceased in his 30s was allegedly hit on his head by a stone during a fight. Two security officers who were nearby approached the group of people who were fighting and tried to stop them but one of the persons involved in the fight allegedly attacked one of the security officers with a stone which allegedly killed him.”

“Our investigators are currently working on the second incident at New Chinatown with the need for more evidence,” says AC Vaevaso.

He says, “I appeal to any witnesses who may have been in of the New Chinatown area at 8pm on 4 May and witnessed the incident to come forward with any information they may have. Anyone with any information is urged to go to the Chinatown Police Post, the Honiara Central Police station or the National Criminal Investigation Division at the Rove Police Headquarters.”

The RSIPF extends its condolences to members of the families and relatives of the two deceased men as they mourn the loss of their members.

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Media contact information

RSIPF Media Unit
Rove Police Headquarters
Rove, Honiara
Solomon Islands

Phone: 24016 or 23800 Ext 239