RSIPF Conduct Crime Prevention awareness in Isabel Province

The RSIPF Supervising Commissioner of Police, Gabriel Manelusi and the Participating Police Force Commander, John Tanti made a day visit to Isabel Province following the Crime Prevention strategy public awareness talks with schools, RSIPF officers at Buala and including the Isabel provincial premier, Hon James Habu on Wednesday 21 September 2016.

The meeting with the Hon Premier and school children was successful and pleasing to see the huge support, in regards to the police approach to involve local key stakeholders, such as Chiefs, Church leaders, NGO’s, Women leaders and youth groups which will prevent crime related issues to respective communities, not only in Isabel province, but all around the country.

Following the police visit at Kesao Primary School, the students were urged to adhere to the Laws and Customary values, as they are the future leaders of Solomon Islands. The students were further informed of the Police Crime Prevention joint approach with stakeholders, to work and implementing the Crime Prevention Strategy for a crime free Solomon Islands. In response to the open discussion amongst the school, the school Headmaster responded very positively to acknowledge the one day visitation and the presentation content.

“The aim at presenting this crime prevention strategy approach with school institutions, is fundamental to the future of Solomon Islands, whereby, it help the young to understand and see the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) as friends, as police officers who are easily approachable at any time anywhere and who also understand the basic concept of crime in relation to understanding the three sources of the laws, including the divine law, the customary law and the constitution,” Said Supervising Commissioner Manelusi.

More than 27 leaders which consist of Kia Chief, Women Leaders, Church Leader and School staff have attended the police presentation held at Kesao School. One of the Chief’s spokesmen, Chief Peter Macpherson has commended the approach by the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force to move forward in Solomon Islands.

Speaking in front of more than hundred students and staff at Kesao primary school, the PPF Commander, John Tanti reminded the school children to be more caution on the increase of abuse of alcohol and smoking of marijuana drug. “If you like to build a safe and peaceful community in Solomon Islands, you must adhere to your customs and the National law of your country.”

The Chiefs thank the RAMSI mission to Solomon Islands and the training they continue offered to RSIPF in terms of capacity capability development. They said that they need police force that display standards and ethics especially the Police Response Team (PRT) members, who will be using lethal arms must be discipline fearing what have happened in 2000.

The PPF Commander assured the Leaders that the police force is a new force altogether and more than 80% of the current police officers, are new boots to the RSIPF while most of those who were around during the ethnic crisis, have been terminated or went through some rehabilitation programs to move on in life.

Supervising Commissioner Gabriel Manelusi said that the growing development to improve the ongoing crime prevention strategy approach capability with all citizens of this country, needs to be supported.

“Preventing Crimes is the responsibility of all of Solomon Islands citizens. Crime Prevention cannot be tackled by our government alone or by an individual sector of the government like the Ministry of Police and National Security.”

“We must aware that to increase expenditure to meet the true cost of policing in Solomon Islands on Security and Policing is not possible, but it is approachable with the help of all people, so to developing an effective prevention strategies that requires the identification and analysis of the range of factors which give rise to each crime problem solving approach,” Said Supervising Commissioner Manelusi.

The RSIPF Supervising Commissioner of Police, Gabriel Manelusi and the Participating Police Force Commander, John Tanti made a day visit to Isabel Province following the Crime Prevention strategy public awareness talks with schools, RSIPF officers at Buala and including the Isabel provincial premier, Hon James Habu on Wednesday 21 September 2016.

The meeting with the Hon Premier and school children was successful and pleasing to see the huge support, in regards to the police approach to involve local key stakeholders, such as Chiefs, Church leaders, NGO’s, Women leaders and youth groups which will prevent crime related issues to respective communities, not only in Isabel province, but all around the country.

Following the police visit at Kesao Primary School, the students were urged to adhere to the Laws and Customary values, as they are the future leaders of Solomon Islands. The students were further informed of the Police Crime Prevention joint approach with stakeholders, to work and implementing the Crime Prevention Strategy for a crime free Solomon Islands. In response to the open discussion amongst the school, the school Headmaster responded very positively to acknowledge the one day visitation and the presentation content.

“The aim at presenting this crime prevention strategy approach with school institutions, is fundamental to the future of Solomon Islands, whereby, it help the young to understand and see the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) as friends, as police officers who are easily approachable at any time anywhere and who also understand the basic concept of crime in relation to understanding the three sources of the laws, including the divine law, the customary law and the constitution,” Said Supervising Commissioner Manelusi.
More than 27 leaders which consist of Kia Chief, Women Leaders, Church Leader and School staff have attended the police presentation held at Kesao School. One of the Chief’s spokesmen, Chief Peter Macpherson has commended the approach by the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force to move forward in Solomon Islands.

Speaking in front of more than hundred students and staff at Kesao primary school, the PPF Commander, John Tanti reminded the school children to be more caution on the increase of abuse of alcohol and smoking of marijuana drug. “If you like to build a safe and peaceful community in Solomon Islands, you must adhere to your customs and the National law of your country.”

The Chiefs thank the RAMSI mission to Solomon Islands and the training they continue offered to RSIPF in terms of capacity capability development. They said that they need police force that display standards and ethics especially the Police Response Team (PRT) members, who will be using lethal arms must be discipline fearing what have happened in 2000.

The PPF Commander assured the Leaders that the police force is a new force altogether and more than 80% of the current police officers, are new boots to the RSIPF while most of those who were around during the ethnic crisis, have been terminated or went through some rehabilitation programs to move on in life.

Supervising Commissioner Gabriel Manelusi said that the growing development to improve the ongoing crime prevention strategy approach capability with all citizens of this country, needs to be supported.

“Preventing Crimes is the responsibility of all of Solomon Islands citizens. Crime Prevention cannot be tackled by our government alone or by an individual sector of the government like the Ministry of Police and National Security.”

“We must aware that to increase expenditure to meet the true cost of policing in Solomon Islands on Security and Policing is not possible, but it is approachable with the help of all people, so to developing an effective prevention strategies that requires the identification and analysis of the range of factors which give rise to each crime problem solving approach,” said Supervising Commissioner Manelusi.