National Community Policing Team on Ending Violence against Women

The Royal Solomon Islands Police Force National Community Policing team has conducted an awareness campaign at various locations in Honiara on the 23rd September 2016.

Police and other stakeholders jointly celebrated the Orange Day campaign, which falls on the 25th day of every month, at locations including Henderson market, Burns Creek School compound, the Burns Creek community; Kukum market, Con Street in Honiara City, White River 02 bus stop and Karaina.

The Orange day campaign is an internationally sanctioned day, endorsed by the Secretary General of the United Nations to stand up for the silent majority who die or are abused at the hand of their partners and family members.

According to the Director, National Community Policing, Mr. Solomon Sisimia “The objective is to make a strong and visible public statement against family violence amongst the Honiara city residencies”.
He said the areas targeted were as a result of weekly statistics on Family Violence in Honiara City centres.

Mr. Sisimia stated that the key message he would like to convey were;

• The need for police and communities to work together to end violence against women and girls.
• The need for communities to know and understand the police role and explore the different roles that communities can play in ending violence against women and girls in their own communities.
• The current family violence and sexual violence statistics in the Solomon Islands is high when compared across the world.
• Police are friend of the people and not their enemy; this is the mandate of the police.
• The Police and communities need to find ways on how to manage misuse of alcohol – alcohol is a key driver of crimes in Honiara and often related to family violence
• Solomon Islands now have the Family Protection Act which criminalises Domestic Violence.
• Seif Ples provides a 24 hour services for victims of violence with a phone service line number 132. Services includes medical care (two nurses are present at the Seif Ples), emergency accommodation etc.

The programme was supported by UN Women, UN Volunteers and stakeholders and the day was a very successful day of celebration with a float parade around the city supported by the police brass band.

The band played at all intervals, with presentations of various topics including Family violence provided by National Community Policing Team.