RSIPF reports six people convicted in court during past week

May/29 08:00
Honiara Solomon Islands

RSIPF reports six people convicted in court during past week

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The Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) Prosecution Department has sent 77 cases to Court for hearing during the period 17 – 23 May 2019.

Director of the RSIPF Prosecution Department, Chief Superintendent John Rove says, “Out of the total 77 cases, six people were convicted during the past week in the Honiara Central Magistrates Court, resulting in fines, while one was dismissed under section 35 of the Penal Code, without punishment.”

Chief Superintendent Rove explains: “Section 35 of the Penal Code provides the circumstances under which the Court will be able to release an accused person without punishment. This includes the character of the accused, the mental or health condition or the trivial nature of the offence committed.”

He adds: “Defendants in 67 of the total number cases were bailed by the Court for later dates, while defendants for 10 cases were remanded in custody for the next for 14 days.”

“The number convicted cases might seem small but six convictions is a good outcome as the result of good preparations by prosecutors. I must thank my hard working officers and as well as the investigators of the convicted cases,” says Chief Superintendent Rove.

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RSIPF Media Unit
Rove Police Headquarters
Rove, Honiara
Solomon Islands

Phone: 24016 or 23800 Ext 239