RSIPF hosts Prime Ministers of Australia and SI at Rove Police HQs

Jun/03 07:00
Honiara Solomon Islands

RSIPF hosts Prime Ministers of Australia and SI at Rove Police HQs

Australian Prime Minister Morrison chats with an officer of the RSIPF during inspection of the parade

The Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) today created history by hosting the Prime Minister of Australia, Hon. Scott Morrison and his Solomon Islands counterpart, Prime Minister, Manasseh Sogavare at the Rove Police Headquarters at the same time.

Prime Ministers Morrison and Sogavare were at the Rove Police Headquarters as part of the Australian Prime Minister’s two-day visit to Honiara since yesterday.

While at the Police Headquarters, Prime Minister Morrison inspected a parade by officers of the RSIPF and both Prime Ministers laid wreaths at the HMAS Canberra and RAMSI Memorials at the Police Memorial Park.

When welcoming the two Prime Ministers, RSIPF Commissioner Matthew Varley says, “It is a great honour and an historic occasion for the women and men of the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force to host you today for this parade in your honour. Welcome to Rove Police Headquarters, the heart of the new Royal Solomon Islands Police Force.”

Commissioner Varley explains: “I say new, because we believe that this police force has been re-built from the ground up since the dark days of our history back in the Tension era of the early 2000’s.”

“Prime Ministers, you are here today almost precisely two years on from the end of RAMSI, which wrapped up on 30 June 2017. But we in the RSIPF prefer not to refer to that chapter as the end of RAMSI. Rather we say that it marked the start of the new chapter in our history, when our police force took back full responsibility for providing national security and law and order for Solomon Islands. A new start.”

Commissioner Varley highlighted some of the achievements of the RSIPF since the end of RAMSI two years ago.

This included:
• The staged re-armament of the RSIPF, enabling the Force to provide the necessary armed security for Solomon Islands while remembering the lessons of the past;
• RSIPF joined INTERPOL, becoming part of the global fight against crime;
• RSIPF stepped up its commitment to secure the country’s national borders and keep the communities safe;
• In September last year RSIPF joined forces with the Australian law enforcement agencies to seize 500 kilograms of cocaine to support the arrest of two men in Sydney, proving the Solomon Islands is no soft touch for global organised crime;
• RSIPF has grown for the future with more than 200 new recruits over the last two years and more than 100 promotions across the ranks;
• RSIPF continues to send officers to United Nations Peacekeeping Missions to help support those who are facing their own security challenges;
• The RSIPF is itself now providing training to our police colleagues in other Pacific countries. The RSIPF is currently in Samoa assisting their officers to train for the upcoming Pacific Games; and
• The successful 2019 National General Election on 3 April.

Commissioner Varley told the two Prime Ministers the riots of 24 April this year tested the RSIPF. “When the riots erupted on April 24th, the brave women and men of the RSIPF defended and secured our capital city. At the same time, we showed our expertise and cultural sensitivity by working with local communities to defuse tensions, engage our people and avert ongoing troubles. This event, although we wish it had never happened, was stark proof to the people and Government of Solomon Islands that this police force is ready, capable and so courageously willing to do its job.”

“Prime Ministers, many of these women and men here today, from our recruits right through to our senior officers, went beyond the call of duty during this testing time and stood their posts for days on end. Many put themselves in harms’ way without question and some were injured. They felt it was their duty to protection the nation.”

Commissioner Varley emphasises: “It is the spirit of the blue uniform we wear; the heart and soul of this Police Force that we have worked so hard, day in and day out over the years, to rebuild. Prime Ministers, this is the new RSIPF and we proved our worth to the nation in April.”

“These are the women and men, and there are many more right around this vast ocean nation, that deserve our thanks. They deserve our trust, confidence and support in the years to come. Prime Ministers, we are indeed honoured that you have recognised these women and men as worthy of your historic visit today,” Commissioner Varley told the Prime Ministers of Australia and Solomon Islands.

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Media contact information

RSIPF Media Unit
Rove Police Headquarters
Rove, Honiara
Solomon Islands

Phone: 24016 or 23800 Ext 239