Traffic accident at Bubuitolo village

Auki police attend to a traffic accident at Bubuitolo village, West Kwara’ae, North Malaita on the 26th September 2016.

The accident involved a truck travelling on the North Road which hit a small boy age between 6 and 7 years old.

According to Provincial Police Commander (Supervising) Mr. Timothy APAESI, “the deceased was standing on the other side of the road. When he saw his mother dropped off by the bus he ran across the main road to meet his mother. Whilst he was still on the main road an oncoming truck travelling in a northerly direction which hit the child and he fell on the road. He died instantly on the spot’’.

The PPC stated “The police team attend to the report and had discussions with relatives of the deceased who agreed for the police to deal with the matter and to let the law take its cause and allow peace to prevail”.

The suspect was formally arrest by Malu’u police and escorted to Auki for further dealings and investigation of the incident.