Police remember officers who have died in the line of duty

The Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) and the Regional Assistance Mission to Solomon Islands (RAMSI), Participating Police Force (PPF), have commemorated officers who have died in the line of duty at a service at the Guadalcanal Beach Resort (RAMSI base), East of Honiara on the 29th September 2016.

The ceremony began at nine o’clock with welcome remarks from Commander PPF John Tanti.

The RSIPF and PPF commenced the event with a march to the RAMSI Memorial Monument, followed by speeches and lying of the wreaths.

Among many guests where His Excellency the Governor General of Solomon Island, Sir Frank Utu Ofagioro KABUI, GCMG, CSI, OBE and the Honourable Prime Minister, Manasseh SOGAVARE.

Sir Joseph Paul TOVUA, KCMG, Patron of RSIPF Blue Ribbon Foundation, was also present and provided the introduction and the opening prayer.

According to RSIPF Commissioner of Police Frank Prendergast, “Police Remembrance Day reminds us of the dangers and challenges of the police profession and significance of the sacrifice that some men and women are required to make so that their communities can be safe”.

He stated, “Remembrance Day was introduced in 1989 after it was sanction by all Commissioners of Police in the Australasian and the South West Pacific Region. The 29th September was selected as it was the feast of Saint Michael, the Patron Saint of Police”.

He further mention that it also a day to recognises the common values that bind police together like loyalty, courage, friendship, integrity, trust, respect and a desire to serve the community and protect those who need protection.

He said that the RSIPF and RAMSI elected to hold the service at GBR recognising that by the time the next remembrance services arrives the PPF along with RAMSI will have withdrawn. He added “It is fitting therefore that we take time today to also recognise the sacrifices made by RAMSI in the service of Solomon Islands’’.

PPF Commander John Tanti stated in his welcome remarks that he reflect not only on the men and women of RAMSI, but also of the losses and extreme bravery of men and women in the RSIPF who executed their duty with diligence, honesty and bravery in the pre and post tension period.

A Powerful sermon was conducted during the event by SICA representative Reverend Eric MAEFONIA.

He stated that, “my prayer is today that we remember but we reflect on their life and their personalities not only that but we need to evaluate’’.