2016 Provincial Police Commanders and Directors Conference

With the theme of “Crime Prevention and Service Delivery”, the 2016 RSIPF Provincial Police Commanders and Directors conference is underway at the Regional Assistance Mission to Solomon Islands (RAMSI) base at GBR, east Honiara. It will be on from 10 – 14 October 2016.

Minister of Police, National Security and Correctional Services, Hon. Stanley Sofu opened the conference today (10 October 2016).

In his opening address Hon. Sofu said, “Let me also take this opportunity to welcome all the Provincial Police Commanders to Honiara. I am fully aware that working in the Provinces can sometimes be challenging and frustrating but I thank you for your commitment, loyalty and the heart to serve our people in the remote parts of our country.”

After 13 years, it is now clear that RAMSI is no longer required in Solomon Islands. RAMSI has assisted the Government to rebuild the machinery of Government. RAMSI has assisted that Government to rebuild the justice system and evidently, RAMSI has rebuilt and established a new Royal Solomon Islands Police Force. – a police force that is able to determine its Strategic Direction.”

A Police Force with well-trained leaders and officers capable of addressing civil disturbances within the country. A Police Force prepared to take on the responsibility of providing safety and security to the people of Solomon Islands. I am not suggesting for a moment that the RSIPF has been given everything they need but what I am saying is that; the RSIPF has come from a dysfunctional Police Force to a professional Police organisation in the region” the Hon Sofu said.

He stated that this PPC’s Conference is a very important conference for the future direction of the RSIPF particularly given the withdrawal of RAMSI in June 2017.

The theme of the conference is “Crime Prevention and Service Delivery”. It will focus on how the RSIPF can implement the new Crime Prevention Strategy and continue to improve service delivery to the Community as well as the RSIPF’s stakeholders

Mr. Sofu said, “I have presented the Crime Prevention Strategy to Cabinet and Ministry officials have prepared project documentation for the Crime Prevention Strategy to be implemented through funding from the 2017 Development Budget”.

He further stated, “Crime Prevention Strategy Project will be part of the RSIPF Strengthening Program which will be allocated $7.1 million dollars in 2017”.

He said, “The DCCG Government has been pleased with the performance of the Police Force and has recognised this improved performance with a significant boost in funding this year. However it is vital that the performance of the RSIPF continues to improve as we approach the end of RAMSI and the withdrawal of the Participating Police Force”.
Also at the opening, Commissioner of Police Mr. Frank Prendergast explained his plans to the Provincial Police Commanders and Directors on the implementation of the Crime Prevention Strategy and a focus on improving service delivery as part of the Force’s Strategic Direction for the next four years.

The conference will dwell much on the new strategic direction of the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force for the next four years and its Annual Business Plan that coincide with its new Crime Prevention Strategy.

The conference, attended by all the PPCs and Directors of the various departments in the RSIPF will conclude this Friday.