RSIPF present talk on New Crime Prevention Strategy in CIP

Deputy Commissioner of Police, Gabriel Manelusi presented on the new RSIPF Crime Prevention Strategy during a two-day workshop at Nagotano village in Central Islands Province (CIP) from 2 - 3 October 2016.

The workshop was organised by the Provincial Police Commander, Central Islands Province and other stake holders.

A total of 33 participants including men and women, chiefs, church leaders, youth leaders and Mothers Union leaders attended the workshop.
Deputy Premier, Central Islands Province, Hon. Selwyn Luga was also participate during the workshop.

According to Deputy Commissioner Manelusi, “Crime Prevention is a priority for the RSIPF as not only will it build community confidence in the Force, reduce the fear of crime and build relationships with the community, but it will provide an effective strategy for dealing with crime.”

Mr Manelusi added: “The Strategy will also provide the RSIPF with improved information and intelligence with which it can deal with crime issues as they develop, and not wait until issues occur and have to deal with the effects of the issues.”

“The Crime Prevention Strategy will involve changes to the action plans developed by Directors and Provincial Police Commanders, ensuring they utilise intelligence led policing practices, change the way they deploy their responses and looking at more innovative ways they can connect with the community.”

Mr Manelusi added: “A key component is engagement with communities and stakeholders, developing action plans to prevent crime. This includes the underpinning principle of respect and valuing of custom and culture, including the role of leaders in the community, the role of chiefs in crime prevention and the strengths of family and wontok (family) relationships.”

“Whilst police will always have to respond to crime when it occurs, this strategy will make it a priority of the RSIPF to implement measures which prevent crime by working in partnership with the community and other agencies and utilising intelligence to guide their pro-active operations.”

In his closing remarks at the workshop, Deputy CIP Premier, Hon. Selwyn Luga assured the participants and the RSIPF that the current Provincial Government fully supports the RSIPF’s Community Policing Programs.

“I want to acknowledge the Central Islands PPC for proposing to establish the San Vesta Crime Prevention Committee. As MPA for the ward, I will fully support the work of this committee to address, reduce and eliminate unwanted activities in our respective communities,” Hon. Luga said.

Provincial Police Commander CIP, Ms Patricia Leta acknowledged the chief of Nagotano Village, Mr. Peter Bera and Hon. Luga for helping to organise the workshop as well as Deputy Commissioner Manelusi and the participants for attending the two-day workshop.