Acting supervising commissioner visit to Isabel

The acting supervising Commissioner of the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force Mr. Gabriel Manelusi and Participating Police Force Commander Mr. John Tanti made a day visit to Isabel Province on the 22nd September 2016.

The team do presentation on Crime Prevention Strategy to RSIPF members at Buala and advise them to continue to roll out this approach around Isabel Province.

During the visit they made a presentation to Premier of Isabel Province Honourable James Habu on the Crime Prevention Strategy.
Mr. Habu said, “I assured and support the approach the police is taking by involving key stakeholders such as chiefs, church, NGO, Women leaders etc”.
The team visited Kesao Primary School and talk to the School children. The presentation to the school children to adhere to Laws and Custom values as they are the future of Solomon Islands.

Mr. Manelusi said, “The aim of the school presentation to help school children to see police as friends who approachable at any time, understand the basic concept of crime, understand the three sources of law which divine law, customary law and the constitution.
I remind school children to be more caution on the increase of abuse of alcohol, smoking drug in Solomon Islands. If you like to build a safe peaceful community in Kia then you must follow the custom and the law.

The primary school headmaster acknowledges and commends the visit made to the school and present talk to the school children.
“Total of 27 leaders consists of Kia Chief, Women Leaders, Church Leader and School staff attends to the police presentation held at Kesao Primary School during the visit.

Kia Chief’s spokesperson Chief Peter Macpherson commended the approach Royal Solomon Islands Police is moving forward in Solomon Islands.
The Chiefs thank the RAMSI mission to Solomon Islands and the training they continue to offer to RSIPF in terms of capacity and capability development.
They said that they need police force that display standards and ethics especially the PRT members that will use lethal arms must be discipline we did not want to repeat the past. I and PPF Commander assure the Leaders that the police force is a new force altogether 70-80% is new members in the RSIPF, all those involved in the past has been rehabilitated and move on, on their own life, Mr. Manelusi said.

Mr. Manelusi reinforces the Chief’s that RSIPF is growing and develop to improve its capability where every citizen of Solomon Islands needs to support RSIPF in terms of this new Crime Prevention Strategy. He added preventing crimes are the responsibility of All Citizen of Solomon Islands.

He said crime prevention cannot be tackled by government alone or by one sector of government alone like the Ministry of Police National Security. We must aware that to increase expenditure to meet the true cost of policing in Solomon Islands on Security and Policing is not possible.

He said developing effective prevention strategies requires the identification and analysis of the range of factors that give rise to each crime problem.