RSIPF cracks down on illegal sale of alcohol and drugs in GP

Aug/12 07:00
Guadalcanal Province Solomon Islands

RSIPF cracks down on illegal sale of alcohol and drugs in GP

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Officers of the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) serving the Guadalcanal Province (GP) have arrested and charged four suspects during a one-week operation targeting the use of illegal alcohol and drugs in Central, East and North East Guadalcanal on 25 July to 3 August 2019.

The suspects were arrested and charged for the offence of restriction of making liquor contrary to section 50 (2) of the Liquor Act and will appear before the Honiara Magistrates’ Court on 26th August 2019.

Provincial Police Commander (PPC) Guadalcanal Province, Chief Superintendent Evelyn Thugea says, “We conducted this operation in response to information received from reliable sources within the community that there is an increase in the number of alcohol and drug related issues resulting in anti-social behaviour in their communities.”

“During the operation officers also conducted community awareness, high visibility patrols, kwaso and black market raids, confiscation of marijuana and conducting traffic checks.”

PPC Thugea adds: ‘I wish to sincerely thank those who have assisted my officers with information during the operation. Let us continue to work together to make our community a safe place to live in’.

“We will continue to conduct similar operations in other areas with the Province and I urge my good people of Guadalcanal to support my officers with the provision of information about any illegal substance present in the community.”

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Media contact information

RSIPF Media Unit
Rove Police Headquarters
Rove, Honiara
Solomon Islands

Phone: 24016 or 23800 Ext 239