Murder suspect further remanded in Temotu Province

Aug/20 08:00
Temotu Provinc Solomon Islands

Murder suspect further remanded in Temotu Province

File photo

The suspect in a murder incident at Aoto Village, in Utupua, Temotu Province on 13 January 2019, has been further remanded in custody following a mention appearance in the Magistrates Court at Lata on 16 August 2019.

The man in his 40’s has been remanded at the Lata Correctional Centre as police investigations continue into the incident. He will next appear in Court on 30 August 2019.

“My Criminal Investigation Officers here at Lata have been taking statements from witnesses to the sad incident and are going through the statements as the investigation continues into the case,” says Provincial Police Commander (PPC) Temotu Province, Superintendent James Toaki

PPC Toaki calls on relatives of the deceased to be patient as police continue with their investigation.

“Investigations into such cases usually take a while before completed and is ready to go before the Court. I am pleased with my officer’s progress so far despite the challenges they face including the weather on Utupua Island. I encourage people there to continue to assist my officers with the investigation,” PPC Toaki emphasises.

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Solomon Islands

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