RSIPF officers successfully complete motorcycle training in PNG

Aug/22 05:00
Papua New Guinea

RSIPF officers successfully complete motorcycle training in PNG

A group photo of RSIPF, RPNGC and AFP officers

Twelve officers of the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) have successfully completed a four-week training program organised by the Royal Papua New Guinea Constabulary (RPNGC) in Port Moresby from 25 July to 21 August 2019

The course was facilitated following the RPNGC donating five Police motorcycles to the RSIPF earlier this year, as a result of downsizing from the APEC PNG 2018 operations. The donation and training is part of implementing the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed between the two Melanesian neighbours’ Police Forces in June 2019.

The closing ceremony for the training program was held yesterday (21 August 2019).

Solomon Islands High Commissioner to Papua New Guinea (PNG), His Excellency Mr Barnabas Anga, attended the ceremony along with RPNGC Acting Commissioner of Police Francis Tokura.

As part of the closing ceremony, the RSIPF officers provided two motorcycle escorts, one from the Solomon Islands High Commission and the other from RPNGC Police Headquarters in Port Moresby.

During the intensive four-week program participants were taught basic riding skills through to Police Motorcycle escorts and motorcades.

Speaking during the closing ceremony, RPNGC Acting Commissioner of Police, Tokura says, “Each of the RSIPF officers should be proud of themselves, as they have done their Police Force and the people of the Solomon Islands proud by completing the training.”

“Take the skills that you have learnt here in Papua New Guinea and continue to develop and maintain what you have learnt. When you go back home, be proud of your achievements and most of all, don’t go showing off to your friends and colleagues and do something you will regret – respect the motorcycle that you ride and respect the role that you have,” Acting RPNGC Commissioner Tokura told the 12 RSIPF officers.

“On behalf of the RSIPF, I wish to thank the RPNGC and the Australian Federal Police (AFP) advisors in PNG for facilitating and funding this very important training for our officers. This is a great sign of the growing partnership between RSIPF and RPNGC, supported by our AFP colleagues. In 2018, the RSIPF assisted the RPNGC through sending some of our forensics experts to support RPNGC for APEC. Now our friends in RPNGC have returned the favour with this important training assistance for us. I look forward to our 12 officers returning to Honiara and putting their new skills into practice and passing on the skills to other officers in the Traffic Department and the Close Personal Protection (CPP) Unit. This training will advance our capability, particularly for providing VIP motorcade escorts,” says Commissioner of RSIPF, Matthew Varley.

Commissioner Varley adds: “We look forward to more cooperation between the two Melanesian police forces for the mutual benefit of our citizens.”

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RSIPF Media Unit
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Rove, Honiara
Solomon Islands

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