Two Malaysians to face charge of alleged attempted murder following incident east of Honiara

Aug/27 08:00
Guadalcanal Province Solomon Islands

Two Malaysians to face charge of alleged attempted murder following incident east of Honiara

File photo

Two Malaysian nationals working with the Asian company Samlinsun in Honiara will face charges of attempted murder following an incident at the company’s premises in the Lungga area east of Honiara on 24 August 2019.

Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) Operation Manager Guadalcanal Province on Inspector Edwin Sevoa says, “Police at the Henderson Police Station were called to an incident at the Samlinsun area in Lungga on the afternoon of 24 August 2019.”

Inspector Sevoa explains: “On arrival, police discovered that there was a big crowd at the Samlinsun area with the locals there arguing with the Asians at the scene with locals allegedly stoning a vehicle owned by a Malaysian.”

“Officers discovered that there was a row between the locals and the Asians after allegations that a local was seriously injured by the two Malaysians. The locals were allegedly demanding compensation from the Asians after the injury.”

“The victim sustained two head injuries from the alleged attack. Officers at the Henderson Police Station transported him to the National Referral Hospital in Honiara for medical attention.”

“While at the scene, my officers discovered two tasers and a long knife in one of the Malaysians’ vehicle. On further inspection of the vehicle back at the Henderson Police Station my officers discovered other weapons and a bottle with a pipe believed to be usually used for smoking drugs. All the weapons discovered in the vehicle and the bottle have been confiscated by police as evidence,” says Inspector Sevoa.

He adds: “Police arrested the two Malaysian nationals and appeared in the Honiara Central Magistrates’ Court on 26 August on a remand application. The Court has released the two suspects on strict bail conditions including the surrender of their passports and a surety bail of $2,000.00 each. Both will reappear in Court in the next 14 days.”

“The 24 and 44 years old suspects have been served with a holding charge of attempted murder whilst other charges will be determined later after a full investigation into the incident,” says Inspector Sevoa.

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Rove Police Headquarters
Rove, Honiara
Solomon Islands

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