RSIPF continues night club checks in GP

Sep/03 06:00
Guadalcanal Province Solomon Islands

RSIPF continues night club checks in GP

File photo

Officers of the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) in Guadalcanal Province continued with their visits to night clubs and pubs on 30 and 31 August 2019 at premises in the province.

During the visits, Officers checked that the night clubs and pubs displayed their licenses and that those people under 21 years old were not inside in the premises according to the Liquor Act.

They also continued with deterrence patrols at some hot spot areas within the province.

Operation Manager for Guadalcanal province, Inspector Edwin Sevoa says, “My officers are working hard to ensure that licenced premises within the province must adhere to the Liquor Act and that persons below the legal age must adhere to the rules.”

“No arrests were made during the weekend as licenced premises and their security officers are also working hard to ensure that regulations are adhered to.”

“I would like to thank my officers for the continuous monitoring of the clubs and to ensure that our province is safe. And I would also like to thank the licensed operators for their cooperation during the visits,” says Inspector Sevoa.

He adds: “I urge members of the communities in and around Guadalcanal province to continue to work together with the police. It can be challenging as well but let us continue to work together for the benefit of our province.”

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RSIPF Media Unit
Rove Police Headquarters
Rove, Honiara
Solomon Islands

Phone: 24016 or 23800 Ext 239