RSIPF farewells three SIPSP advisors

Dec/18 07:00
Honiara, Solomon Islands

RSIPF farewells three SIPSP advisors

(Left - right) Advisor Norton, Team Leader, Woods, Acting Commissioner Mangau and Advisor Geoff

The Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) today (18 December 2019) farewelled three New Zealand Police Officers who have served as advisors under the Solomon Islands Police Support Program (SIPSP) for the RSIPF.

The three advisors include:Constable Geoff Taylor who started his deployment in January 2019 with the RSIPF Traffic Department will leave at the end of this month December 2019;
Constable Lisa Norton who started his deployment with the National Crime Prevention Department in January this year will leave next month January 2020; and
Senior Sergeant Christopher Scott who has been advisor in the RSIPF Strategy and Policy Unit since February this year will leave in February 2020. Senior Sergeant Scott is currently out of the country so SIPSP Team Leader Michael Woods represented him during the ceremony.

When presenting the three officers with Certificates of Appreciation for their service and RSIPF plaques, Acting RSIPF Commissioner, Mostyn Mangau thanked the officers for their service and capability building efforts for the RSIPF during their deployment.

“I believe the New Zealand Police advisors deployed under the SIPSP have contributed a great deal to the capacity development of RSIPF officers because of the way our New Zealand colleagues are able to understand the local situation in Solomon Islands easily due to the similarities in the cultures of both countries,” says Acting Commissioner Mangau.

He adds: “We greatly appreciate the contributions you have made to the RSIPF during your time with the various departments you were attached to and your RSIPF colleagues will not forget your time with them.”
SIPSP has eight advisors working in various departments of the RSIPF.

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RSIPF Media Unit
Rove Police Headquarters
Rove, Honiara
Solomon Islands

Phone: 24016 or 23800 Ext 239