Communities in Isabel benefit from Crime Prevention Strategy workshops

Jan/31 08:00
Isabel Province

Communities in Isabel benefit from Crime Prevention Strategy workshops

A female participant presenting a group exercise

More than100 representatives of communities in Hograno, Gao and Bugotu districts in Isabel Province will benefit from two workshops on the Crime Prevention Strategy organised by officers of the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) at the Buala Police Station from 20 – 24 January 2020.

An officer of the Isabel Provincial Government Community Affairs Division assisted the RSIPF officers at the Buala Police station during the two workshops.

The workshops, held at Susubona and Poro Villages informed the chiefs, elders, women and youth leaders of Isabel Province of the endorsement by the Solomon Islands Government (SIG) of the Crime Prevention Strategy (CPS) implemented by the RSIPF.

The topics presented during the workshops included:

- The Crime Prevention Strategy
- Intelligence-led policing
- The SARA model of problem solving
- Law and traditional leader’s empowerment.

Supervising Provincial Police Commander Isabel Province Inspector Oswald Iru says, “With the knowledge and skills learned from the workshop, participants will be able to implement the Crime Prevention Strategy and be able to prevent and resolve crimes in their communities.”

During the workshop chiefs, woman and youth leaders requested the need for a police post to be built in the Hograno District.

Participants appealed to both the National Government and Isabel Provincial Government and the Member of Parliament for the District to consider this request seriously in order to reduce crime and make the communities safe and peaceful into the future

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Media contact information

RSIPF Media Unit
Rove Police Headquarters
Rove, Honiara
Solomon Islands

Phone: 24016 or 23800 Ext 239