RSIPF investigates alleged sexual assault incident involving 5 yr-old girl in Malaita Province

Feb/14 06:00
Malaita province

RSIPF investigates alleged sexual assault incident involving 5 yr-old girl in Malaita Province

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Officers of the Royal Solomon Island Police Force at the Auki Police Station are investigating an alleged incident of sexual assault on a 5-year-old girl by an old man in his 50s at High Hill Village in the Fauabu area, West Kwara’ae in Malaita province on 7 February 2020.

The victim was sent by her parents to a nearby bush to collect fruit leaf for chewing betel nut when she met the suspect.

It is alleged that while in the bush, the suspect sexually assaulted her by using his finger on the victim’s private part.

The victim was later taken to hospital by relatives after she complained to her mother of pain in her private part.

Supervising Provincial Police Commander Malaita Province Inspector Charles Edward Koto says, “The matter was reported to the Police Domestic Violence Unit at the Auki Police Station which started investigating the alleged incident. The suspect is believed to have escaped to East Malaita.”

“I call on the people of West Kwara’ae especially in the Fauabu area to come forward to police with any information that may relate to the incident during process of investigation. With your help we would be able to apprehend this suspect and prosecute.”

“The RSIPF condemns this alleged incident in the strongest term. This incident will affect this young girl for the rest of her life. I call on parents to look after your children especially young girls from people who take advantage of our vulnerable members,” PPC Koto emphasize.

You can contact police at Auki on phones: 40132 or 40710

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RSIPF Media Unit
Rove Police Headquarters
Rove, Honiara
Solomon Islands

Phone: 24016 or 23800 Ext 239