RSIPF arrests suspect of grievous harm in Makira Ulawa Province

Mar/09 01:00
Makira Ulawa province

RSIPF arrests suspect of grievous harm in Makira Ulawa Province

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Officers of the Royal Solomon Island Police Force (RSIPF) at the Kirakira Police Station in the Makira Ulawa Province have arrested a man in his 40s for allegedly causing grievous harm to his wife at Maniate Village in east Makira on 20 February 2020.

It is alleged that the husband seriously wounded his wife with a bush knife during an argument with his wife at their village in Maniate.

Provincial Police Commander Makira Ulawa Province Superintendent Peter Sitai says, “The suspect was formally arrested by officers at Kirakira and placed in police custody after the matter was reported to police by the victim.”

“The suspect has been charged with one count of grievous harm contrary to section 226 of the Penal Code and is currently on remand at the Kirakira Correctional Centre to appear in the Kirakira Magistrates’ Court on 18 March 2020.

“I appeal to members of the communities in and around Maniate Village who may have any information about the incident to come forward and assist the police investigation.” says PPC Sitai

He adds: “RSIPF condemns the alleged incident in the strongest term as it is an act of cowardice and appeal to members of the communities in Makira Ulawa Province to cooperate and work together with the police and report such incidents in a timely manner as the law will not tolerate such inhumane treatment of our women.”

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RSIPF Media Unit
Rove Police Headquarters
Rove, Honiara
Solomon Islands

Phone: 24016 or 23800 Ext 239