RSIPF preparedness for Corona Virus (Covid-19)

Mar/12 06:00
Solomon island

RSIPF preparedness for Corona Virus (Covid-19)

File photo

As part of its preparation to assist should there be a Corona virus outbreak in Solomon Islands, the Royal Solomon Island Police Force (RSIPF) is establishing a working committee to have an over-sighting function of the RSIPF Preparedness and Responsive Plan.

RSIPF Acting Commissioner, Mostyn Mangau sys, “The Plan and the Covid-19 Operation Order is to support the whole-of-government response to any potentially high threat and impact of a Corona virus outbreak in Solomon Islands.

“This is a coordinated working committee between, RSIPF and its bilateral partners the Australian- Solomon Islands Police Development Program (SIPDP) and the New Zealand – Solomon Islands Police Support Program (SIPSP).”

Acting Commissioner Mangau adds: “The RSIPF will articulate coordinated support for other key government agencies to enhance border control measures including:

• Solomon Islands Border Protection / Customs;

• Solomon Islands Immigration Department;

• Ministry of Health and Medical Services;

• National Disaster Management Office;

• Solomon Islands Ports Authority;

• International Airport Authorities; and

• Neighbouring countries order and security authorities.”

Acting Commissioner Mangau explains: “The role of the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) during such an outbreak period is to:

• Maintain law and order within Solomon Islands;

• Maintain law enforcement presence at enhanced border controlled areas;

• Respond to any public order incidents or requests for policing assistance from government agencies involved in enhanced border control areas, hospitals, medical facilities or declared quarantine and isolation sites by SIG;

• Take all measures within its powers and authority to protect life and property and to facilitate the movement of rescue, medical, fire and other essential services; and

• Provide liaison between the Ministry of Health and the National Disaster Management Office.”

The RSIPF is currently providing outside patrols at the venue the Government agencies are using to quarantine people in the Henderson area, east of Honiara who have arrived back in Solomon Islands after travelling to countries that there is a Corona virus outbreak.

So far no Corona virus cases have been confirmed in Solomon Islands.

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Media contact information

RSIPF Media Unit
Rove Police Headquarters
Rove, Honiara
Solomon Islands

Phone: 24016 or 23800 Ext 239