Vonunu PSS benefits from crime prevention awareness talk

Mar/18 07:00
Western province

Vonunu PSS benefits from crime prevention awareness talk

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About 23 teachers and 600 students from Vonunu Provincial Secondary School in the Western Province have benefited from a crime prevention awareness talk recently conducted by officers of the National Community Policing Department (NCPD) of the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force and advisors under the Solomon Islands Police Support Program (SIPSP).

Provincial Police Commander, Western Province, Mathias Lenialu says, “The awareness talk covered the five drivers of crime including:

- Alcohol and drugs;
- Domestic violence;
- Issues affecting youth;
- Environment and resources; and
- Emerging issues

“The awareness talk was to inform the students, teachers and members of the communities about the drivers of crime and the effect it has on our society and the nation as a whole today.”

PPC Lenialu adds: “Students were given a strong message not to get involved in any of the drivers of crime as it will affect their studies while they were at school or in their communities.”

“During the awareness talk, students and teachers raised many questions about the drivers of crimes and officers explained to them that crime is increasing in our communities today and the law will not tolerate anyone who is involved in committing any crime,” PPC Lenialu says.

The staff and students at Vonunu thanked the police at Gizo for conducting the awareness talk at their school.

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