RSIPF conducts awareness on corona virus for its officers

Mar/24 07:00

RSIPF conducts awareness on corona virus for its officers

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The Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) has begun awareness talks about the corona virus to its own officers and members of their families as the country continues to prevent the virus from entering the country.

On 20 March 2020 officers of the RSIPF Human Resource Department at the Rove Police Headquarters conducted awareness talks at the Headquarters, the Rove Police Married Quarter, the White River Police and the Cops Land Executive Quarters. A second team also visited the Tetere and Henderson Police Stations on Guadalcanal as well as their Married Quarters

“The awareness talks for both officers and members of their families, mainly focused on the importance of personal hygiene practises and the associated risks of the current pandemic –COVID 19 as well as preparations should there be an outbreak of the virus in the country,” says Chief Superintendent Richard Menapi, Director of the RSIPF Human Resources Department.

Chief Superintendent Menapi adds: “The HR teams emphasised to the officers and their families the good hygienic practises that will ensure the virus does not spread including stopping the practice of sharing or chewing of betel nut and smoking at the work place and in the homes.”
“Officers and members of their families were also briefed on the Commissioner’s Order to close down market stalls and food stalls in the police married quarters as well as fundraisings and playing ludo and card games within the police compounds,” says Chief Superintendent Menapi.

He emphasises: “As officers of a disciplined organisation, we must take the lead in following what the Health authorities are telling us to prevent the corona virus affecting our people. But more importantly if RSIPF officers or members of their families get the virus then officers will not be able to maintain law and order during any outbreak of the decease.”

During the awareness talks, officers of the RSIPF HR teams also distributed pamphlets and posters on the risk and ways to prevent the corona virus.

Other teams of officers from the Rove Police Headquarters are also touring other provincial police stations throughout the country to conduct awareness talks on how to prevent the virus from spreading within the RSIPF.
Solomon Islands is yet to record a positive corona virus case.

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Media contact information

RSIPF Media Unit
Rove Police Headquarters
Rove, Honiara
Solomon Islands

Phone: 24016 or 23800 Ext 239