RSIPF urges Honiara residents to secure properties

Mar/24 08:00

RSIPF urges Honiara residents to secure properties

The Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) is urging residents of Honiara City to secure their properties as people travel back to their homes in anticipation of a coronavirus (COVID 19) outbreak.

Solomon Islands is yet to record a positive coronavirus case.

Provincial Police Commander (PPC), Honiara City, Chief Superintendent Stanley Riolo says, “As citizens of our nation heed the call by the Government for people who do not have anything to do in Honiara to return to their villages, we must make sure we secure whatever property that is left behind including houses and vehicles.”

“If you are returning home to escape a possible coronavirus outbreak, please plan it properly including securing whatever property you leaving behind. Check if your neighbours are staying and if so tell them about your plans and ask them to have a look out. The other option is to maybe leave a family member to take care of the property in your absence,” PPC Riolo suggests.

“You do not want to return to an empty house. Opportunists will try to take advantage of any mass exodus of people back to the provinces and steal anything that is not secured in the absence of the owners.”

“I want to warn those who are planning to take advantage of the situation that the COVID 19 Police Operation in the coming days will include visibility patrols throughout Honiara City and we will not tolerate anyone that is planning to commit any crime while a lot of resources are focused on protecting Honiara City from any outbreak of the virus.”

“I want to call on all residents of Honiara City to work together with the government authorities addressing the issue of the virus so we can get through this unfortunate situation as a united law abiding country,” PPC Riolo emphasises.

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RSIPF Media Unit
Rove Police Headquarters
Rove, Honiara
Solomon Islands

Phone: 24016 or 23800 Ext 239