Official Opening of New Fire Station at Central Police Station

The Royal Solomon Islands Police Force today reached another milestone in its development with the opening its new 10 million dollars Fire Station building at Central Police Station.

The station is the first of its kind, custom built for the Fire Department with the funding from Participating Police Force (PPF) through the Regional Assistance Mission to Solomon Islands (RAMSI).

Speaking at the Opening, Police Commissioner Frank Prendergast said, “With the completion of the new Fire Station, the RSIPF Fire and Rescue department will have the assets that will boost the delivery of fire and rescue services to the people of Honiara and surrounding areas”.

Mr. Prendergast said, “The relocation and building of the new Fire Station’s has been proposed for more than 30 years, after Chief Fire officer’s like John Gatu (retired Chief Superintendent), Timothy Papangu (retired Chief Superintendent) and Superintendent John Koloni tried their best to have a station constructed the 80’s and in 2009.

He said, “The Fire Service was located in a building next to the Rove Prison gate until 2014 when the building was condemned because of its deteriorating condition and temporary relocated to the Police Club, until now”.

He further added that, “In 2010 the work in identifying a suitable site commenced with the assistance of the PPF and Construction of the building commenced in early 2016”.

According to the RAMSI Special Coordinator Mr Quinton Devlin, “So, today, the people of Solomon Islands can be very proud of the disciplined, accountable and skilled group of emergency responders that stand ready to come to their aid”.

Mr. Devlin said, “I also take this opportunity to acknowledge the very strong support of the outgoing RSIPF Police Commissioner to the fire service along with his support to other areas of the RSIPF, Commissioner Prendergast has had a transformational impact in terms of ensuring the fire and rescue service has the facilities, tools, people and skills to meet the needs of this country in a sustainable and affordable manner”.

He said, “RAMSI will leave Solomon Islands in five months’ time with confidence that RSIPF firefighters and emergency responders are not only well-trained but also committed to protecting life and property”.

The formal handing over of the keys for the new complex was conducted by the RAMSI Special Coordinator and PPF Commander Mr. John Tanti to Police Commissioner Frank Prendergast.