RSIPF continues COVID-19 awareness

May/26 06:00

RSIPF continues COVID-19 awareness

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The National Crime Prevention Department of the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) is continuing with its crime prevention awareness in communities in and around Honiara as part of its operation to assist other Government agencies in the fight to prevent the coronavirus (COVID-19) from entering the country.

Officers of the Crime Prevention Department visited the SIWA community opposite Green Valley in east Honiara on 24 May 2020

Director of the National Crime Prevention Department (NCPD) Superintendent Solomon Sisimia says, “It is better to focus our efforts on the activities by the various Government agencies to prepare the country in case a positive COVID-19 is detected in the country and not waste our resources on criminal activities happening in our communities.”

He adds: “When members of the community engage in criminal activities, the RSIPF has no option but to stretch its limited resources instead of focusing on the preparedness for a possible positive COVID-19 case. Policing crime in the country can be expensive.”

“RSIPF appeals to members of the communities in East Honiara to surrender all kwaso distilling materials to the police in order to clean the community from crime. Police is looking into a plan to set up a new neighbourhood watch in our communities.”

“I want to thank all the communities visited for their understanding and willingness to see new changes introduced into their communities. Let us all work together to fight the COVID 19 pandemic,” says Superintendent Sisimia.

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Media contact information

RSIPF Media Unit
Rove Police Headquarters
Rove, Honiara
Solomon Islands

Phone: 24016 or 23800 Ext 239