RSIPF uproots marijuana plants in Guadalcanal Province

May/26 06:00
Guadalcanal province

RSIPF uproots marijuana plants in Guadalcanal Province

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Officers of the Royal Solomon Island Police Force (RSIPF) at the Henderson Police Station and Aola Police Post have uprooted a total of 121 marijuana plants in the Jericho area of East Central Guadalcanal on 24 May 2020.

Operation Manager at the Henderson Police Station Superintendent Edwin Sevoa says, “When we were in the Jericho area searching for a suspect, a village chief came and informed us that there are number of villages within their area who are growing marijuana in their gardens.
He adds: “The village chief and children with a few adults led us to a number of gardens and we managed to uproot a total of 121 marijuana plants.”

“Communities around the area requested police to conduct awareness talks for them addressing the unlawful activities which are currently disturbing their normal livelihood at the village level. We assured them that we will come up with a plan and organise an awareness program in the communities within the Jericho area.”

“I want to appeal to our good people in East Central Guadalcanal to work together with your police to stop these illegal activities in our communities. I want to thank the chief and people in the Jericho area for their great assistance which resulted in the successful uprooting of the marijuana plants,” says Superintendent Sevoa

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RSIPF Media Unit
Rove Police Headquarters
Rove, Honiara
Solomon Islands

Phone: 24016 or 23800 Ext 239