Police arrest 60 yr old man for raping 16 yr old granddaughter

Aug/06 07:00
Western province

Police arrest 60 yr old man for raping 16 yr old granddaughter

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Royal Solomon Island Police Force (RSIPF) officers at Noro in Western Province have arrested and charged a 60-year-old man at Paradise Village, on North New Georgia on Monday 3 August 2020 for allegedly raping his 16-year-old granddaughter.

An initial report say that in the afternoon of a date between 1st January and 31st January 2020, the victim was at her house looking after her small nephew while her mother went to the garden.

Deputy Commissioner Ian Vaevaso explains, “The suspect went into the victim‘s house while she (victim) was looking after her little nephew, carried the child out from the house and left him with other kids who were playing outside.”

“The suspect then went back into the house, held down the victim’s hands, closed the victim’s mouth with both of his hands and pushed her into the room where the victim and her mother used to sleep and allegedly had sex with her. The victim reportedly struggled and tried to move out from the suspect but the suspect over powered her,” say Deputy Commissioner Vaevaso.

“Since that time (January) until June 2020, the victim did not experience her period. Her mother took her to the clinic and it was confirmed that she was pregnant.”

“The suspect was arrested and charged with rape contrary to Section 136 F (1) Of the Penal Code. He will appear at Noro Magistrates’ Court 21 September 2020.”

“Unfortunately, this is the third rape incident reported this week by RSIPF officers from throughout the country. One was reported in Malaita Province and the other one in Central Province. A common feature of these three cases reported this week is that the suspect is someone that the girls should look up to including a grandfather, a father and someone in charge of a boat,” says Vaevaso.

“This is very sad. I want to appeal to our men folk to respect our young girls and women. Our custom is very big on respect. If you any of our men have a problem, then please seek help.”

“For our young girls and women, please do not be afraid to come forward and report any one who commits such an act on you. Report it quickly so police can take quick action,” DC Vaevaso emphasizes.

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RSIPF Media Unit
Rove Police Headquarters
Rove, Honiara
Solomon Islands

Phone: 24016 or 23800 Ext 239
Email: rsipf.media@rsipf.gov.sb