RSIPF arrests 23 suspects following incident in Western Province

Oct/15 07:00
Western Province

RSIPF arrests 23 suspects following incident in Western Province

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Officers of the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) in Western Province on 14 October 2020 arrested 23 suspects following an operation at Patmos Island in the Roviana Lagoon after an alleged incident of arson, threatening violence and malicious damage on 11 October 2020.

Provincial Police Commander Western Province Chief Superintendent Mathias Lenialu says, “According to initial reports received by police more than 30 people went after a leader of a group within the Christian Fellowship Church (CFC) religious group. The leader of the CFC group and his family are now the victims of arson, threatening violence and damages of the victims’ properties.”

“The victims escaped to another village for their own safety as the group of boys allegedly vandalized their family properties while they were in their house. The group of boys reportedly burned down the house of the victim.”

“When police arrived at the scene of the incident the suspects did not resist arrest. It is sad to know most of the suspects are juveniles,” says PPC Lenialu.

He adds, “The situation at Patmos Island is now under control with the presence of a police operations team on the ground. Police will have to make sure that all the suspects in the incident are arrested and face justice for their actions.”

“I call on people of Patmos Island and Nusa Reregana in the Roviana Lagoon to assist police with information that will assist the investigation into the sad incident which has seen properties destroyed and people living in fear for their lives,” says PPC Lenialu.

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RSIPF Media Unit
Rove Police Headquarters
Rove, Honiara
Solomon Islands

Phone: 24016 or 23800 Ext 239