RSIPF officers undergo Drone Operator training

Dec/01 07:00

RSIPF officers undergo Drone Operator training

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Officers of the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) are undergoing a four-day drone operator training starting today (1 December 2020) at the Rove Police Headquarters in Honiara.

The RSIPF Drone Operator Training includes three Officers from the National Response Department, one officer from the National Intelligence Department (NID) and two officers from the Drone Support Unit at the Rove Police Headquarters. The Training will end on 4 December 2020

Assistant Commissioner (AC) National Operation Evelyn Thugea says, “In November 2020, the Australian High Commissioner in cooperation with Solomon Island Police Development Program (SIPDP), handed over six drones to the Minister for Police Hon. Anthony Veke on behalf of the RSIPF Commissioner.”

AC Thugea explains, “The six DJI Mavic drones include four Mavic Zoom and two Mavic Enterprise with thermal cameras models, a popular brand of drones used by police agencies around the world.”

The Mavic drones will greatly enhance RSIPF capabilities including range of policing activities like:
o Intelligence collection;
o Investigations;
o Border Operations;
o Crowd / Public Order monitoring and identification;
o Search and Rescue;
o Natural Disaster scene assessment;
o Media; and
o Traffic Monitoring

The Australian Federal Police (AFP) Air Support Team, have produced a tailor made virtual training package for RSIPF as they were unable to travel to Solomon Islands due to the COVID-19 restrictions. This training package will be delivered via video and the practical elements will be delivered and assessed by SIPDP advisors with RSIPF support.
The training will include the following topics:
o Civil Aviation Authority of Solomon Islands (CAASI) Aeronautical Information circular AIC/02/16, Civil Aviation Act and restrictions for drone use;
o Other relevant legislation;
o Evidence Act and storage of digital evidence;
o Weather implications impacting the use of drones;
o Set-up of drone and equipment brief;
o First flight – practical session;
o Conducting operational tasks safely;
o Further flight testing and assessment

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Media contact information

RSIPF Media Unit
Rove Police Headquarters
Rove, Honiara
Solomon Islands

Phone: 24016 or 23800 Ext 239