RSIPF arrests and charges three drivers for driving unlicensed motor vehicles in Temotu Province

Dec/17 02:00
Temotu Province

RSIPF arrests and charges three drivers for driving unlicensed motor vehicles in Temotu Province

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Officers of the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) at Lata Police Station in Temotu Province have arrested and charged three men for driving unlicensed motor vehicles during a traffic check on 7 December 2020.

It is alleged that on 7 December 2020 the three male drivers were providing transport services at the inland communities of Noipe, Nea and Noole villages on Santa Cruz island.

Provincial Police Commander Temotu Province Superintendent James Toaki says, “The three suspects were on their return to Lata with passengers on board their vehicles when they were held up by Lata police officers at a location where officers were conducting Safety Awareness Talks. Upon checking the vehicles it was confirmed that all three vehicle licenses had expired.”

The three defendants were issued with a Notice of Intended Prosecution upon which they were all charged with one count of driving unlicensed motor vehicle contrary to Section: 7(1) of the Road and Transport Act (Ch.131) and later bailed to appear in court on 14 December 2020.

“The suspects have appeared before the Court on 14 December 2020. The matter of one of defendants has been adjourned to 14 January 2021, whilst two of the suspects have been convicted and fined $700.00 each,” says PPC Superintendent Toaki.

He adds, “I want to remind my good people in Temotu Province especially at Lata that with the increase number of vehicles at the provincial capital there is a high risk of vehicle accidences occurring. Drivers drive slowly when approaching pedestrians, communities, schools, markets or other public locations. Drivers and vehicle owners are reminded to take the responsibility while on our roads to ensure the public is safe to avoid any accidents during the coming festive season.”

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RSIPF Media Unit
Rove Police Headquarters
Rove, Honiara
Solomon Islands

Phone: 24016 or 23800 Ext 239