RSIPF traffic officers mount operation during Christmas and New Year 2021 festive season in Honiara

Dec/24 09:00

RSIPF traffic officers mount operation during Christmas and New Year 2021 festive season in Honiara

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Officers of the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) at the National Traffic Department in Honiara are mounting an operation to provide road safety to all road users in the nation’s capital during the Christmas and New Year festive season.

Supervising Director of the National Traffic Department Inspector Doreen Vaea says, “During the festive season traffic officers will be on our roads to ensure that our road users comply with the traffic laws. Police will not tolerate any breach of traffic laws by any road user within Honiara.”

Inspector Vaea says, “Distractions such as talking on mobile phones while driving, opening doors while driving and parking vehicles at the road side is very dangerous. This could cause a serious accident involving other road users and pedestrians. The current issues on our roads is that taxis and buses drive on footpaths and blocking lanes when they intend to stop or park along the main road.”

“The traffic related cases for this year 2020 stands at 1164. Road users including drivers and pedestrians are urged to respect our traffic laws as we celebrate this festive season.

Please vehicle users DO NOT DRINK AND DRIVE and if you drink please DO NOT DRIVE.”

“I would like to remind the general public to continue to abide by our traffic laws as they are here to safeguard us. We do not want to lose any life during this festive season. Let as all celebrate this festive season and welcome New Year 2021 in a peaceful manner,” says Inspector Vaea.

The public is adviced to report any breaches of the traffic laws to the Police Communication Centre on Phone 23666, Kukum Traffic Centre on 22336 or the free toll line 999.

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Media contact information

RSIPF Media Unit
Rove Police Headquarters
Rove, Honiara
Solomon Islands

Phone: 24016 or 23800 Ext 239