Relatives identify dead body found at Noro

Feb/03 04:00
Western province

Relatives identify dead body found at Noro

File photo

The dead body of a 25-year-old male person discovered floating at sea in the Kokosu area of Noro Township, Western Province yesterday morning (2 February 2021) has been buried after relatives identified the body.

Supervising Provincial Police Commander (PPC) Western Province, Inspector Wilken Miriki says, “The deceased was from Malaita Province and lived with her mother at Belama Village at Kohigo Island near Noro.”

“Information gathered by police so far say on Sunday (31 January 2021); the deceased paddled a dugout canoe from Noro to Belama Village to see his mum. It was reported he was very drunk at that time when he arrived to see his mum.”

“The deceased asked his mum to give him some money. His mother, knowing his son was too drunk, insisted that he should not go back to Noro. The deceased did not want to listen to his mother but returned to Noro. That was the last time the mother saw her son alive,” says Supervising PPC Inspector Miriki

Inspector Miriki explains, “The body was identified by family members and relatives after police called for members of the public at Noro to identify the body yesterday morning. The body was handed over to family members and relatives today (3 February 2021) for burial at Belama Village.

“Investigation into the possible cause of death continues and I appeal to anyone that might have any information to come forward and assist police.”

“My condolence to the family members of the deceased after the tragic loss of their son,” says Supervising PPC Inspector Miriki.

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