RSIPF arrests ten suspects in mining company robbery in Guadalcanal Province

Feb/04 06:00

RSIPF arrests ten suspects in mining company robbery in Guadalcanal Province

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Officers of the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) have arrested a total of ten suspects in relation to the Winwin Gold Mining Company robbery incident that happened on 9 December 2020 in Central Guadalcanal.

It is alleged that seven men entered the Winwin mining company at Turarana in a G-plated white plain Toyota land cruiser. Two of them wore the police sky blue uniform while the other five wore police t- shirts. They also covered their faces with masks. One of the intruders, wearing the police sky blue uniform, also wore a police baseball cap.

The men entered the compound and introduced themselves as officers of the RSIPF checking on the company work permit and passports as well as hidden high-powered weapons. They then ordered company workers to assemble at one location inside the compound.
While the workers gathered at one location, the intruders then started to move around the company premises and opening up storage containers. They asked for the camp manager and ordered him to go over to the gold storage container under close guard and was ordered to open the container. They took two gold bars and $140,000.00 cash as well 15 mobile phones.

The company workers and staff begun to be suspicious of what occurred and a fight broke out. During the fight, one of the intruders was shot with a knife and injured on the left leg. The intruders then escaped.

The matter was reported to the Henderson Police Station and officers attended and conducted investigation into the matter.

Police managed to arrest the first suspect who is a 29- year old male who drove the G-plated vehicle during the incident on 28 December 2020.

Between 4 January and 24 January 2021, Police arrested six suspects. One of the suspects voluntarily surrendered himself to police. During the first week of February, police arrested another three suspects taking the total number of suspects to 10.

Officers at the Henderson Police Station, the National Criminal Investigation Department (NCID) and the National Response Department (NRD) at the Rove Police Headquarters arrested the suspects with assistance from members of the community who supplied the information that led to the apprehension of the suspects.

All ten suspects have been dealt with and charged for robbery and remanded at the Rove Correctional Centre in Honiara.

Investigation into the matter continues. There has been no recovery of the money and gold bars allegedly stolen during the robbery. Two mobile phones have been recovered so far.

Members of the public who may have any information in relation to the matter are encouraged to contact Henderson Police Station on phone 36200 or 36201.

Police want to thank members of the public who have assisted with information that led to the arrest of the 10 suspects.

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Media contact information

RSIPF Media Unit
Rove Police Headquarters
Rove, Honiara
Solomon Islands

Phone: 24016 or 23800 Ext 239