RSIPF arrests a foreign national for raping a 11-year-old girl in East Honiara

Apr/19 08:00

RSIPF arrests a foreign national for raping a 11-year-old girl in East Honiara

Officers of the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) at Henderson Police Station have arrested a foreign national for the allegation of rape of a 11-year-old girl at Lunga area, East of Honiara over the weekend.

The matter was reported to police by the victim’s mother at Henderson Police Station on 14
April 2021.

Provincial Police Commander Guadalcanal Province (PPC) Chief Superintendent Alfred Uiga Says “The victim’s mother called in at Henderson Police Station and reported that her daughter were raped by a Bangladesh national in his bedroom two weeks ago.”

“The mother claimed that she only knew of this incident when she heard stories from other girls, claiming that her daughter’s private part was very painful.”

PPC Uiga, "The victim confirm to her mother that the suspect has been doing sexual action with her about a week’s ago but she was afraid to tell anyone about it.The victim was transported to Henderson Police Station for further investigations.”

Chief Superintendent Uiga says, “The accused was arrested over the weekend and placed in Police custody. He was charged with a count of rape contrary to section 136F (i) (a) & (b) of the Penal code cap 26 as amended by the Penal code (amendment) (sexual Offences) Act 2016 and has been remanded in Correctional Service of Solomon Islands court for remand application.”

“I would like to call on members of the community to assist police with their investigations into this matter. Furthermore, parents must always look after our young girls where about to avoid such sad incidences. We need to protect our children especially our girls from the few people among us who do not respect our young girls,” says PPC Uiga.

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RSIPF Media Unit
Rove Police Headquarters
Rove, Honiara
Solomon Islands

Phone: 24016 or 23800 Ext 239