Assistant Commissioner Provincial visits officers in Malaita Province

Apr/30 07:00
Malaita province

Assistant Commissioner Provincial visits officers in Malaita Province

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The Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) Assistant Commissioner (AC) Provincial Joseph Manelugu has visited officers at the Auki Police Station in Malaita Province this week to discuss some important issues on policing in Malaita Province.

Officers at the Auki Police Station welcomed AC Manelugu with a parade on his arrival in front of the station.

During a muster with the officers, AC Manelugu highlighted that discipline in the Police Force is everyone’s responsibilities both senior and junior ranks. Senior ranking officers must understand their responsibilities and to up-hold the police act, and to be a role model at all times.

AC Manelugu says, “If members of the RSIPF are looking to be promoted to senior ranks, they must be willing to move to their posts and set positive examples both in the RSIPF and the community.”

AC Manelugu says, “RSIPF, like any other law enforcement agency in the world have a key role to play in protecting life and properties and preventing specific criminal activities arising in our communities and the country Solomon Islands.”

“I therefore appeal to officers at the Auki Police Station to maintain discipline at the highest level and manage whatever resources we have as we continue to assist the government in the fight against the COVID-19. I would also like to thank officers for continuing to performed duties to our good people of Malaita Province,” says AC Manelugu.

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RSIPF Media Unit
Rove Police Headquarters
Rove, Honiara
Solomon Islands

Phone: 24016 or 23800 Ext 239