RSIPF appeals for peaceful By-Elections in Temotu and Choiseul Provinces

May/13 06:00
Choiseul province

RSIPF appeals for peaceful By-Elections in Temotu and Choiseul Provinces

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The Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) appeals to the people of South Choiseul Constituency, Kirugela ward in North East Choiseul, Anuta and Tikopia Island in Temotu Province for a peaceful By-Election next week Wednesday 19 May 2021.

Commissioner of the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) Mostyn Managu says, “The By-Election in South Choiseul Constituency has become necessary after the Member of Parliament lost his seat in election petition after the National General Election in April 2019. The North East Choiseul Kirugela ward by election has become necessary after the passing away of their Member of Provincial Assembly.”

Commissioner Mangau says, “The Ward By-Election for Anuta and Tikopia (ward 16) Island has become necessary after the Member of Provincial Assembly has been terminated.”

RSIPF Commissioner Appeals on good people of South Choiseul Constituency, Kirugela ward in North East Choiseul and Anuta and Tikopia islands in Temotu Province, including Chiefs, elders, Church leaders, women, men and youth leaders to assist your police in ensuring that our communities remain safe and peaceful during the Constituency and Wards By-Election.

Mr Mangau says, “Let us continue to show respect to one another and maintain peace like we did during the past elections. Respect for one another is an integral part of Solomon Islands tradition and culture. Do not allow any disagreements to cause divisions amongst us.

About fifty RSIPF officers including Taro Police Officers, Gizo police officers and the Police Response Team (PRT) will be deployed to seventeen polling stations in South Choiseul Constituency and three polling stations in Kirugela ward in North East Choiseul.
Eight officers from Lata Police Station will be deployed to three polling stations in Anuta and Tikopia ward.

Commissioner Mangau says, “The deployment of officers to the polling stations on the 19 May 2021 is of paramount to ensure the polling day is done peacefully and that all registered voters are allowed to cast their votes without any fear of violence.” Says Police Commissioner.

RSIPF also wants to appeal to voters to accept the outcome of the National By-Election and the Wards By-Election in the two provinces and to work together with your new member of Parliament and Members of Provincial Assembly.

“I also wants to appeal directly to all candidates, supporters and political party members to remember that your responsibilities as leaders during such period. Please observe rules and regulations under the Electoral Act,” say Mr Mangau.

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Media contact information

RSIPF Media Unit
Rove Police Headquarters
Rove, Honiara
Solomon Islands

Phone: 24016 or 23800 Ext 239