RSIPF acknowledges voters for good behaviour during polling-day in Temotu and Choiseul Province

May/20 08:00
Choiseul province

RSIPF acknowledges voters for good behaviour during polling-day in Temotu and Choiseul Province

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The Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) commends the registered voters in the South Choiseul Constituency, Kirugela ward, North east Choiseul and Anuta and Tikopia ward in Temotu Province for the good behaviour displayed during the polling-day yesterday ( 19 May 2021).

Commissioner of Police Mostyn Mangau says, “I am happy that the polling-day went peacefully in the South Choiseul constituency, Kirugela ward in North east Choiseul and Anuta and Tikopia ward in Temotu Province. It is good to see many people took the opportunity to exercise their democratic rights and cast their votes for the candidate they want to represent them in our National Parliament and the Provincial Government.”

Commissioner Mangau says, “Good that people moved around freely and the high turnout of voters at polling stations is a clear indication that people safe and secure which is a clear expression of the confidence that our people have in RSIPF.”

Mr Mangau says, “Police are there to ensure a free and fair election, public safety to maintain law and order during the polling-day. Police will continue to provide security during counting of ballot papers on counting venue in the two provinces.”

He says, “I calls on all the candidates, their supporters and voters to respect the outcome of the By-Election and not to take the law into their own hands. Our officers are on standby should any public order management incident arises with the announcement of the results.”

“Let us show the Pacific region and the world at large that the people of Solomon Islands respect the democratic processes under our Constitution and we respect law and order despite the situation the country is going through with the COVID-19 pandemic,” says Commissioner Mangau.

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RSIPF Media Unit
Rove Police Headquarters
Rove, Honiara
Solomon Islands

Phone: 24016 or 23800 Ext 239