PPC Central Province call for peaceful Second Appointed day celebration

Jun/25 07:00
Central Province

PPC Central Province call for peaceful Second Appointed day celebration

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Provincial Police Commander (PPC), Central Province, Superintendent David Soakai call on good people of Central Province for a peaceful Provincial Second Appointed day celebration on the 29 June 2021.

PPC Soakai says, “As we look forward for celebrating 40th anniversary of our province on the 29 June 2021. I would like to remind us to be a good law abiding people during the celebration.”

Superintendent Soakai appeals to the good people of Central Province, including Chiefs, elders, Church leaders, women, men and Youth leaders to assist police in ensuring that our communities remain safe and peaceful during the Second Appointed day celebration.”

Mr Soakai says, “let us continue to show respect to one another and maintain peace like we did in the past celebrations. Respect is the integral part of our tradition and culture. It is a fundamental principle in our national constitution.”

He says,

“I urge my good citizen of Central Province to respect the rule of law. Let us make this 40th anniversary celebration be a crime free and I am looking forward for your cooperation as we approaching this very important occasion.

Police will impose a liquor ban from 28 to 29 June 2021 for bottle shops (beer retail shops) in Central Province. The banning on sale by retail or supply of liquor does not apply to sale or supply of liquor to its bona fide guests at the hotels and restaurants.

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Solomon Islands

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Email: rsipf.media@rsipf.gov.sb